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About Us

The Spinks family has been in the cattle business for 5 generations. In this amount of time we have seen many changes in the beef industry. We have adapted to meet what are customers and the beef consumer demand while holding on to our traditions and heritage.

There are fads that come and go in any industry. We'll admit that we have tried some, some worked and are still used, others failed miserably. Although over the years we have discovered it is best to do just what works and leave the rest to someone else.


Guy Spinks founded the Spinks Ranch as it is today. He was a fifth generation Californian and is a fourth generation rancher. Guy grew up running cattle with his father in the San Joaquin Valley of California. He also gained experience working for foothill ranches. In the 1970's Guy built and operated a growing yard near Madera, CA. In 1979 He moved operations to its current location in Jerico Springs, MO. His vision and foresight of intergrating a yearling operation into what was considered a "cow calf" only area has made it possible for a fifth generation to continue operating the Spinks Ranch.


It has been said behind every great rancher is a great ranch wife. So is the case here. Susie has worn many hats since she became a ranch wife, sometimes all in the same day. She has been an educator, mother, feed truck driver, cowgirl, bookkeeper, and ranch cook. She has now added grandmother to her resume but still takes the time to be involved in the everyday operations of the ranch.


Wes grew up on the ranch. He got his first cowboy job at the age of 16, taking care of a small seedstock herd for a summer. The next summer he left for a job on a Colorado horse and day ride outfit. He worked there the next two summers coming home in the fall to continue his education. After graduating from Crowder College with a degree in ranch management in 1996 he worked for a large cow calf operation in Missouri. Then went back to Colorado for another year of riding horses. In 1998 he returned to the ranch and leased the backgrounding lot from Guy. He also started leasing pasture ground to graze yearlings. Wes and Guy also went together and leased a neighboring ranch and increased the cow herd. It was then decided to put things together and Wes was brought in as manager and the operations were brought back together.


Missy met Wes in college. Somehow Wes fooled her into believing that he was a catch and talked her into marriage. Horses have always played an important part in getting the work done on the ranch, but Missy has taken it to a whole other level. An Arabian Youth National qualifier, Missy has been involved with horses for many years. She is offering riding lessons in English and Western disciplines as well as colt starting and training. Her favorite job however is being a mother!